I don't know who has ever wrote or read fan fiction, but I imagine everyone has done it at least once. If you say you haven't, then you are lying. You may not be familiar enough to talk the slang--slash, mary sues, UC, shippers, POV...so many terms enveloped my life pre-college...ok, I have written one or two in college, but it's good practice to take someone elses world and bend it to your will.
I mention fan fiction because I started the long and dangerous process of cleaning my room. Over the years, I have accumulated and stored fan fiction in folders. Not in any kind of order, but most of the stories are together. I happened to find my very first fan fiction.
I remember when I wrote it. If was the day the Charmed episode where Prue was a hit woman aired. The one with Antonio Sabato Jr. (So pretty) I didn't do something and was grounded. My punishment--I had to miss my shows that night. I did get to tape them, but I was so crazy about TV then that missing a show threw me off and I had to wait until tomorrow to see it and couldn't talk about it with my friends the next day. Any way, I created a character and decided to write a script about how once a millenium, there has to be another Melinda Warren to start the Charmed ones line over again. For those who haven't watched Charmed, Melinda is their ancestor who possessed all the powers and over the years, future generations inherited these powers. Well, I thought, "It could happen again, right? Yeah...sure."
So, I created a character--some readers frowned on that, but 13 year old me thought that this script was gold and she wanted to send it to California. It has never been published on fanfiction.net, my go-to site. Thankfully, this script has only been read by me. I say thankfully because it is just awful. Thirteen year old me was the princess of deas ex machina. I told everything and didn't wait for the plot to unfold. I was an impacient little so and so.
It also seemed that I had a warped sense of relationships--very Romeo and Juliet-esque. The whole script (with only part one finished--part two was never and will never be finished) was about ten pages. By page 2, the newly created character is introduced. Page 4-her love interest is introduced. Page 6ish-they become boyfriend/girlfriend. Page 8--they have sex. If that's not a warped sense of relationships, I don't know what is.
I'm glad I grew as a writer since then. My stories and scripts are now cohesive. I need to work on my stories not devolving into fan fiction, but thats easier said then done. When you grow up writing nothing, but fan fiction--even a musical combining X-Men and Rocky Horror (Oh yes--I did it and it's awesome), its hard to stop.
If you do ever challege me to fan fic--I will write it
Love and Rockets
Lauren of the Linecutters (listen on wednesdays @ 7pm on non-productive.com)