Monday, September 13, 2010

Try something shiny and new!

I am currently playing three table top RPGs, 2-3 video game RPGs, and I've been meaning to return to a LARP for the past year and a half.  For those that don't know, and don't worry if you don't, RPG stands for Role-Playing Game and LARP stands for Live Action Role Playing.  LARPing is pretty much improving one part for a couple of days. 

The two I'm going to touch upon are games that you haven't heard of--The Dresden Files RPG and JACKS:

The Dreseden Files RPG is based on the book series of the same name.  If you like mysteries, I would check it out.  Very enjoyable.  (Shameless plug)  My group and I are in the midst of solving a mystery.  I really like the fact that this game is set in modern day New York.  I like knowing where I am.  There's a comfort in that since I have a terrible sense of direction.  I play a NYPD detective that found out during our first game and introduction into the magic world that we didn't know existed that she is a shifter--primarily a tiger.  It really doesn't make too much sense why I picked tiger in game, but, out of game, I was feeling tiger. 

I am also involved in a game called JACKS that was created by a friend and my radio station manager.  Picture steam punk/firefly.  There are space ships and interplanetary travel, but we still use guns.  There is some magic--mainly from those that are "infused".  They can manipulate different things around them: life, energy, space, time, technology...I think that's them all.  The book should be out soon about how to play.  Maybe you might want to try to run a game for you and your friends.

Tonight I'm playing Dresden.  I'll talk about our latest adventure tomorrow.

Love and Rockets (If you recognize where this is from, don't make fun of me)
of the Linecutters (only on @7pm)

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